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Color image watermark decoder by modeling quaternion polar harmonic transform with BKF distribut
Watermark, Robustness (computer science), Quaternion, Probability density function, Heavy-tailed distribution, Harmonic, Digital wat
Wavelet Denoising Based on the MAP Estimation Using the BKF Prior With Application to Images and
This paper presents a novel nonparametric Bayesian estimator for signal and image denoising in the wavelet domain. This approach uses
Extended Shearlet HMT Model-Based Image Denoising Using BKF Distribution
AbstractImages are often corrupted by noise in the procedures of image acquisition and transmission. It is a challenging work to desig
Aminoquinoline Fluorescent Labels Obstruct Efficient Removal of N-Glycan Core α(1-6) Fucose by
Aminoquinolines, pharmacology, Animals, Binding Sites, Cattle, Fluorescent Dyes, Fucose, isolation & purification, Polysaccharides,
Effects of in ovo exposure to benzo[k]fluoranthene (BkF) on CYP1A expression and promoter methyl
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are toxic environmental pollutants that are potent teratogens. Recent research suggests that e
Statistical Image Watermark Algorithm for FAPHFMs Domain Based on BKF–Rayleigh Distribution
The BKF Bayesian wavelet estimator
Abstract Bayesian approach for wavelet estimation has been a popular topic. The recent papers by Boubchir and Fadili [A closed-fo
The Potentiating Effect of Graphene Oxide on the Arylhydrocarbon Receptor (AhR)–Cytochrome P45
The increasing use of graphene oxide (GO) will result in its release into the environment; therefore, it is essential to determine fin
P10-20: Graphene oxide potentiates cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) system previously activated by benz
P10-20: Graphene oxide potentiates cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) system previously activated by benz
P10-20: Graphene oxide potentiates cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) system previously activated by benz
The Potentiating Effect of Graphene Oxide on the Arylhydrocarbon Receptor (AhR)–Cytochrome P45
An investigation of the efficiency of heat stabilisers Bisphenol-5 and Vulcanox BKF in the produ
Organic chemistry, Nitrile, Natural rubber, Chemistry, Bisphenol
Lattice parameters of the actinide tetrafluorides UF 4, BkF 4, and CfF 4
X-ray crystallography, Single crystal, Powder diffraction, Nuclear chemistry, Monoclinic crystal system, Lattice (order), Diffractom
EM algorithm-based hyperparameters estimator for bayesian image denoising using BKF prior
Wavelet transform, Shot noise, Pattern recognition, Noise reduction, Hyperparameter, Gaussian noise, Gaussian, Expectation–maximiz
The Potentiating Effect of Graphene Oxide on the Arylhydrocarbon Receptor (AhR)-Cytochrome P4501
The increasing use of graphene oxide (GO) will result in its release into the environment; therefore, it is essential to determine its
The Potentiating Effect of Graphene Oxide on the Arylhydrocarbon Receptor (AhR)-Cytochrome P4501
The increasing use of graphene oxide (GO) will result in its release into the environment; therefore, it is essential to determine its
Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on the BKF-SVM
Support vector machine has been widely used in the area of load forecasting, but there are still many disadvantages that are large pro
Color image watermark decoder by modeling quaternion polar harmonic transform with BKF distribut
Image denoising based on a multi-Bessel K form model using a dual-tree complex wavelet 本文提出了一种新的去噪方法.该方
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