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Glotaran: A Java-Based Graphical User Interface for the R Package TIMP
In this work the software application called Glotaran is introduced as a Java-based graphical user interface to the R package TIMP, a
Java Treeview—extensible visualization of microarray data
Summary: Open source software encourages innovation by allowing users to extend the functionality of existing applications. Treeview i
The OWL API: A Java API for OWL ontologies
XML, Web Ontology Language, Semantic Web Rule Language, RDF, Programming language, OWL-S, Ontology (information science), Java, Comp
MULAN: A Java Library for Multi-Label Learning
Thresholding, Ranking, Problem transformation, Multi-label classification, Multi label learning, Machine learning, Java, Dimensional
jsPsych: A JavaScript library for creating behavioral experiments in a Web browser
AbstractOnline experiments are growing in popularity, and the increasing sophistication of Web technology has made it possible to run
Node.js: Using JavaScript to Build High-Performance Network Programs
One of the more interesting developments recently gaining popularity in the server-side JavaScript space is Node.js. It's a framework
Java-based graphical user interface for the MRUI quantitation package
AbstractThis article describes the Java-based version of the magnetic resonance user interface (MRUI) quantitation package. This packa
A Symbolic Execution Framework for JavaScript
As AJAX applications gain popularity, client-side JavaScript code is becoming increasingly complex. However, few automated vulnerabili
SPMF: A Java Open-Source Pattern Mining Library
Source code, Mailing list, Java, Implementation, Graphical user interface, Documentation, Database, Computer science, Command-line i
The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format
The Internet, Programming language, Object (computer science), Notation, JSON-LD, JSON, JavaScript, Interoperability, Disk formattin
The Qualitas Corpus: A Curated Collection of Java Code for Empirical Studies
In order to increase our ability to use measurement to support software development practise we need to do more analysis of code. Howe
The Jalview Java alignment editor
Summary: Multiple sequence alignment remains a crucial method for understanding the function of groups of related nucleic acid and pro
Effective static race detection for Java
Synchronization, Suite, Shape analysis (program analysis), Scalability, Programming language, Novel technique, Multithreading, Java,
jPBC: Java pairing based cryptography
It has been recently discovered that some cyclic groups that could be used in Cryptography admit a special bilinear pairing map that i
WEKA-Experiences with a Java Open-Source Project
Workbench, Software engineering, Open source, Java, Computer science, World Wide Web, Software project management, Software, Project
SPOON: A library for implementing analyses and transformations of Java source code
Summary This paper presents SPOON, a library for the analysis and transformation of Java source code. SPOON enables Java developers to
A high-level 3D visualization API for Java and ImageJ.
BACKGROUND Current imaging methods such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Confocal microscopy, Electron Microscopy (EM) or Selectiv
Java Agent Development Framework
Operating system, Java, JADE (programming language), Host (network), Embedded system, Development (topology), Container (abstract da
Automatic repair of real bugs in java: a large-scale experiment on the defects4j dataset
Defects4J is a large, peer-reviewed, structured dataset of real-world Java bugs. Each bug in Defects4J comes with a test suite and at
Featherweight Java
Several recent studies have introduced lightweight versions of Java: reduced languages in which complex features like threads and refl
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